What a little girl taught me about happiness!

Happiness is for everyone, irrespective of economic status, gender or social standing

Location: Mumbai

I was sitting on the causeway, reflecting on the various questions that life puts across every single day. The Mumbai skyline, the relentless Arabian Sea, the milling crowds, the cacophonic hawkers and the ubiquitous beggars — were all keeping me company. I noticed this girl, quietly playing with her companion. The companion seemed to be only too ready to just follow orders and supported the girl’s play-acting very well.

They were in a world of their own. The tattered clothes didn’t matter. Not having the latest Barbie doll didn’t matter. Working hard for the next meal didn’t matter. Going hungry often didn’t matter. What mattered was the period of calm in between work and the playtime she spent with her companion.

There was no scarcity, however, of happiness.

Happiness is for everyone irrespective of economic status, caste, race, gender or education levels. This is a girl and her companion basket, who are happy!

I requested her to pose for me, and she did willingly with that toothy grin and soulful eyes that radiated joy. And this is what i wrote on the spot:

The Girl & her Basket

> My best friend at night and my business partner by day
With me always, be it work or play.

> We go around all day, traversing many roads,
Life is not easy, it comes with its many loads.

> I don’t lead a normal life, like the children of my age,
We just keep working and all that matters is the wage.

> We make good progress, We work hard together,
Alas, I understand, the fun cannot be for ever.

I don’t want to be alone, never let you out of my sight!
We may be poor, but to be happy is still our right! 
