Keep those Dopamine hits coming!

Start your day with the toughest task!

When we achieve, our brain releases dopamine. It is released during pleasurable situations and increases the urge for achieving more on a similar scale or higher.

My experiment with dopamine!

For some days, I started with playing a simple game – Temple Run 2. I made it a point to achieve the objectives set out. I felt good when I completed my objectives. But after sometime, the prompt was to take up challenging tasks was very low. In fact I wanted to play more. So, there was this procrastination that crept in and though I was doing many things, none of them really measured in intensity and impact to the hardest tasks that I was avoiding.

Next, for the next week, I focused on starting with the hardest task – be it on the official front or on the personal front. This was the first thing that I attacked in the morning. Completing the tasks gave a high, no doubt. But the high ensured that the resistance to the rest of the tasks was very low!

Your brain starts Craving for the kind of dopamine hit that you get from really achieving something, overcoming a challenging task. And this is a good target for you, for now you will crave such hits and hence take up tougher and tougher tasks!

You will start ‘binging’ on such tasks and the rest of the tasks will be a breeze!

So, Dopamine rewards beneficial behaviours and Motivates us to repeat them.

So, using it for the right purpose is very important!

Now you will understand why you crave those likes on social media, can’t stay away from your cell phone, can’t let go of binge-watching or binge-eating!

Feed the right wolf – Start with the most important, challenging task for the day. Record and celebrate everyday – You can thank me later!