Thank God For Challenging Days!

There is plenty of learning from challenging days and situations

If your day has been easy – I can safely assume that you will not have been challenged. You wouldn’t have had the need to rack your brains, stretch yourself, attempt things out of your comfort zone. You would not have had the chance to learn anything new. Thank god for challenging days, for they teach you what it means to perform beyond yourself!

The joy of gamification in life!

From childhood, I was totally into games.

Starting from good old Nintendo games to the strategy ones such as Age of Empires franchise, I have always found out one thing. The biggest attacks will try to catch you off-guard. It is then your level of preparedness along with a little stretch that will help you see it through.

All your strategies so far will be put to test.

All your learning will be put to test.

All your resources will be put to test.

man climbing a challenging mountain
Challenge Yourself!
Photo by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels

And guess what, at the end of it are lessons that you incorporate from the beginning itself (I should have more ballistae over the walls here, the dragoons are amazing at this kind of warfare…). This helps prevent such situations and instead levels you up for bigger challenges. When you fight the last guy in the ultimate levels in Nintendo (Mr.X in Spartan X, Dragons in Mario) you earn your level-ups.

This is what I always take challenging and bad days to be.

I gamify the whole experience and approach as if I am going to level up after this final battle!

You will be tested!

My experience is put to test, my patience is put to test and my EQ is challenged along with my energy levels to see it through. Yes, I am going to be exhausted, I am going to be short on resources, I am going to hate facing the day again. The best part — When I win, I get a level-up and (if I am lucky!) the princesses and the gold. I will gladly go through it again!

Thank god for more challenges and more fast tracks to level-ups!

I learn more from a game of badminton with a much better player than I learn from 100 games with inferior players

I learn much more from one difficult customer than I do from 100 customers who are easy going and not really focused

I gain more muscle and burn more calories from one enervating workout than I do from a 100 simple ones!

My experience gets a real boost from one tough day at office than it does from 100 easy days

Thank god for challenging days, for they teach you what it means to perform beyond yourself!

Go ahead, have more challenging days. Grow more, grow faster!

Bharath Kumar Balasubramanian