The 4 values for a valuable Life!

There are 4 values that i would like to write about:


When you start caring, you place others above you. The recent floods in Chennai proved that, no matter how rich you are, you are powerless before nature. It was the love and care shown by strangers that helped many survive the ordeal.

Care & share: Make life beautiful!


Be responsible for your actions – own up!

As from the movie Spiderman, with great power comes great responsibility!

We have responsibility
– towards others
– towards nature
– towards yourself


– Yourself
– The emotions in others
– The value that everyone brings to the table
– Everyone, irrespective of their age, gender, profession and sexuality

Respect others to get the respect you deserve!


It is said that it takes atleast 9 lies to cover one lie! Have a clear conscience and a pleasant night’s sleep!

Honesty is the best policy….need I say more?