You wouldn’t waste money or food, then why would you waste your potential?

Bharath Kumar BalasubramanianMar 13 · 2 min read
Imagine buying a state of the art computer. 32 GB RAM, Graphics Accelerators, Beautiful Retina display, SSD for those quick fire-ups and having all the amazing software you really need.
But what do you use it for? Sending text based e-mails. Day in and day out. Maybe the occasional browsing.
This will beg the question – then why do you need such an awesome configuration if you aren’t going to use it well? Where is the bang for the buck?
It is the same with us. We are all capable of great things that are waiting to be explored, to be realised.
But how much do we stretch ourselves?
Though insanely curious at birth, sharp during our school days and adventurous as a teenager, we start getting into ‘safe’ zones as we enter adulthood. We blame this on family, responsibilities, a job that wouldn’t allow you, comments from strangers, friends, relatives….never short of excuses!
We settle for less.
Life usually doesn’t give you a second chance which is as good as the original one! We have to exceed and redefine our potential.
Imagine someone saying at your funeral –
“Oh yes, he was talented. Unfortunately, he didn’t turn out to be much”
Can I get this epitaph changed while I am alive and kicking?

Make it a life worth living, and a departure worth celebrating!