The smallest of gestures have the biggest of impact! The little gestures and the actions are the ones that truly matter. We underestimate the value of the little things, not realising that they are the ones that really matter in life. Every small gesture counts! The best part is that these gestures hardly take any effort or time fro our end; yet they have a sizeable impact on others’ lives.
It is in the smallest of gestures that life is actually lived. It is these pockets of gratitude, happiness and love that provide the flavour to life as a whole
Bharath Balasubramanian

More we go through life, the more we realize that it is the small things and gestures that matter the most. The little things are the ones that matter in life. Small gestures count.
Some actions that really make a difference:
- Liberal use of thank you
- Saying sorry and meaning it
- Small appreciations from time to time
- Cheerful Greetings and actually stopping to listen to the reply for ‘how are you’?
- Just Enquiring if you could help — mostly they don’t need the help, just the thought that there is someone to help
- Tipping if the service merits it
- Looking into the other person’s eyes when speaking
- Putting away your mobile phone while in a conversation
- Giving the other person undivided attention, at least for a short while
- Calling up your parents every once in a while
- Connecting with friends out of the blue
- Treating yourself to your favourite dish
- Celebrating the small achievements
- Appreciating your spouse for the small gestures of love
- … and so many other actions!
Reminded me of a poem learnt way back in primary school, but has stuck with me;
Little drops of water,
Little grains of sand.
Make the mighty ocean,
And the pleasant land.
Little deeds of kindness,
Little words of love.
Make the earth,
like the heaven above!
Live each moment to the fullest and enable others to do so. Life will take care of itself!
Spread the cheer!