The biggest problem we have right now!

The biggest problem surrounding me is how we pay too much heed to others’ opinions.

The biggest problem – Listening to others!

Let me tell you a story:

Once, a man stumbles and falls into a deep pit.

The walls are slippery and he tries to climb up, but fails.

Now people start crowding around. Instead of helping him out, the bystanders start passing comments.

‘Oh! he is done for’, says one. ‘He will now never be able to come out’, said another.

This and more comments started flying. The man looked towards the voices and continued his attempts.

To the onlookers’ amazement, the man tries even harder and somehow manages to come out by digging out holds for his hands and feet. This takes him hours but he does it.

When he finally clambers out of the pit, an onlooker tries to communicate with him.

The onlooker finds out that the person is actually deaf!

The deaf man had actually mistook all the criticism as encouragement and used it to his strength!

  • People who can’t do it themselves will dissuade,
  • People envious of your progress will criticize
  • Never get lost in the voices of the world!

Our North Star is all that matters!